Tips To Lose Weight Faster and Easier

No magazine, no bestseller list and no health website without new, revolutionary, unprecedented diet suggestions: Losing weight quickly and easily is promised. Sometimes some of these diets do have some success. And after a short time, the pounds that you have painstakingly saved will inevitably return to their original place. This vicious circle on the rocky road to the ideal figure is called the yo-yo effect.

It is likely that the one diet that fits perfectly can never be found. A change in diet for a few weeks simply cannot bring lasting success. A more sensible alternative, on the other hand, is to rely on two proven virtues: patience and persistence. Sometimes even minor changes in eating habits are enough, which then have to be adhered to in the long term with a fixed diet plan. The route to a new, easier life is anything but complicated. Ten simple commandments set the direction:


Get to know your body properly

Many middle-aged people who have never had weight problems suddenly realize that last summer's clothes just don't fit anymore. After a certain age, the need for nutrients gradually decreases. The body gets by with less food. If we then continue to eat our usual portions, weight gain will inevitably result. A change in living conditions can also lead to weight fluctuations. Just like some diseases that affect the metabolism.


Hormone balance

A persistent lack of thyroid hormones (e.g. due to untreated hypothyroidism ) can lead to a significant increase in body weight. The falling level of female hormones during menopause is also often reflected in noticeable weight changes. Similar effects occur in men in old age, only the processes in them are less abrupt.

Blood Values

Being overweight can affect blood test results over time. Blood sugar, cholesterol or uric acid levels are often elevated. These may already be the first harbingers of diseases that can be triggered by obesity or an unhealthy diet. Type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease are typical examples.


There are individual differences in the energy required to provide a certain service. The basal metabolic rate (the basic requirement to maintain vital functions) also differs considerably from person to person. Last but not least, metabolism is also a matter of type. Anyone who is constantly on the move and can hardly endure moments of rest will probably have few problems with being overweight. Pronounced phlegmatics, on the other hand, have a higher risk of becoming fat.

Optimal Max Keto Reviews

Optimal Max Keto Reviews is a ketogenic weight reduction supplement that uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. BHB salts such as calcium, sodium, and magnesium are included in the recipe. The ketones help in fat burning, allowing you to reach your optimal body weight.
The good news is that the formula has no adverse effects because it was made in an FDA-approved facility that adheres to all GMP criteria.